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National & Festival Holiday Provisions Across Indian States for 2025

Created By : Anoop Kumar | Manager- Labour Law


Be it celebrating national milestones or regional festivals, holidays are woven into the social and cultural fabric of India. More importantly, in a country with a long history of diverse cultures, holidays are opportunities for their citizens to strengthen social harmony within themselves while cultivating a sense of national pride. Every year, both the central and state governments notify the public about the respective list of holidays and festivals in the upcoming year.  It becomes very crucial for businesses, organizations, and employees as it gives time for celebration, relaxation, and cultural observance.


It is expected that the structure of the National and Festival Holidays Notification for the year 2025 would remain the same - featuring a mix of public holidays observed nationwide and those specific to different states and regions. Here is a state-wise holiday calendar and the provisions available for employees who work on holidays in accordance with the notification issued by the respective state governments:



Sl.No State Act No. of National Holidays National Holidays No. of Festival Holidays Allowed Provision if worked on NH/FH(Double the Wages/ Comp off)
1 Andhra Pradesh The Andhra Pradesh Shops And Establishments Act, 1988 4 26th January (Republic Day)
1st May (May Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 4 from the notification Sec 31: Additional wages at the ordinary rate or compensatory time off
Sec 32: Daily average of wages for days worked
2 Assam The Assam Shops And Establishments Act, 1971 4 26th January (Republic Day)
1st May (May Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 3 from the notification No specific provision in the Act
3 Arunachal Pradesh The Arunachal Pradesh Extraordinary Gazette 4 26th January (Republic Day)                20th February (Statehood Day)      15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 5 from the notification Twice the rate of ordinary wages.
4 Bihar The Bihar Shops And Establishments Act, 1953 3 26th January (Republic Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 5 from the notification Twice the rate of ordinary wages calculated by the hour
5 Chhattisgarh The Chhartisgarh Shops and Establishments (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Service) Act, 2017
3 26th January (Republic Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 5 from the notification Paid for work on national and festival holidays with additional wages and compensatory time off
6 Delhi The Delhi Shops And Establishments Act, 1954 3 26th January (Republic Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 4 from the notification No specific provision in the Act
7 Goa The Goa Shops And Establishments Act, 1973 5 26th January (Republic Day)
1st May (May Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
19th December (Goa Liberation Day)
Select any 2 from the notification Double the daily wages and compensatory leave on any other day in lieu of the holiday
8 Gujarat The Gujarat Shops And Establishments (Regulation of Employment And Conditions Of Service) Act, 2019 3 26th January (Republic Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 5 from the notification Double the ordinary rate of wages and compensatory leave on any other day in lieu of the holiday
9 Himachal Pradesh The Himachal Pradesh Shops And Commercial Establishments Act, 1969 3 26th January (Republic Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 3 from the notification Twice the rate of ordinary wages calculated by the hour
10 Haryana The Punjab Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1958  3 26th January (Republic Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 5 from the notification Twice the ordinary rate of wages payable to him
11 Jharkhand The Bihar Shops And Establishments Act, 1953 3 26th January (Republic Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 5 from the notification Twice the rate of ordinary wages calculated by the hour
12 Jammu & Kashmir

The Jammu And Kashmir Industrial Establishments (National And Festival) Holidays Act, 1974

3 26th January (Republic Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 4 from the notification (a) twice the wages ; or
(b) wages for such day and to avail himself of substituted holiday with
wages on any other day within the six month from the holiday on
which he so works.
13 Karnataka The Karnataka Industrial Establishments (National Festival Holidays) Act, 1963 5 26th January (Republic Day)
1st May (May Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
1st November (Karnataka Rajyothsava Day)
Select any 5 from the notification Double the wages or 1 day wages plus one day off
The Jammu and Kashmir Industrial Establishments (National And Festival) Holidays Act, 1974 4 26th January (Republic Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
13th July (Martyrs Day)
Select any 4 from the notification Twice the wages or substituted holiday
15 Maharashtra The Maharashtra Shops And Establishments (Regulation of Employment And Conditions of Service) Act, 2017 4 26th January (Republic Day)
1st May (May Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 4 from the notification Double the wages and compensatory off
16 Meghalaya  The Meghalaya Shops And Establishments Act, 2004 4 26th January (Republic Day)
1st May (May Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 3 from the notification Not Specified
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 5 from the notification Twice the ordinary rate of wages payable to him
18 Nagaland The Nagaland Shops And Establishments Act, 1982 3 26th January (Republic Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 3 from the notification Not Specified
19 Puducherry The Puducherry Industrial Establishments (National And Festival Holidays) Act, 1964 4 26th January (Republic Day)
1st May (May Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 3 from the notification Twice the wages or substituted holiday with wages on another day
20 Punjab The Punjab Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1958  3 26th January (Republic Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 5 from the notification Twice the ordinary rate of wages payable to him
21 Sikkim  Industrial Establishments (National And Festival) Holidays Act, 1974 3 26th January (Republic Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 5 from the notification Twice the wages or substituted holiday with wages within six months of the holiday on which he/she works
22 Tamil Nadu The Tamil Nadu Industrial Establishments (National, Festival and Special Holidays) Act, 1958 3 26th January (Republic Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 5 from the notification Twice the wages or wages for such day and to avail himself of a substituted holiday with wages
23 Telangana The Telangana Factories and Establishments (National, Festival & Other Holidays) Rules, 1974 3 26th January (Republic Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 5 from the notification Twice the wages or substituted holiday with wages on one of the three days immediately before or after the day worked
24 Uttar Pradesh  The U.P Dookan Aur Vanijya Adhishthan Adhiniyam, 1962 3 26th January (Republic Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 5 from the notification (a) twice the wages ; or
(b) wages for such day and to avail himself of substituted holiday with
wages on any other day within the next calendar month from the holiday on
which he so works.
25 Uttarakhand The Uttrakhand Shops and Establishments (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 2017 3 26th January (Republic Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
Select any 5 from the notification Twice the rate of ordinary wages.
26 West Bengal The West Bengal Shops And Establishments Act, 1963 5 26th January (Republic Day)
1st May (May Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti)
23 January (Netaji's Birthday)
Not mention in the notification Twice the ordinary rate of wages



Such holiday schedule helps workplaces manage their productivity and cultural observance, fostering a more inclusive and harmonious work environment. It also enables businesses and employees to plan effectively for the year while ensuring compliance with labour laws. For more information on the penalties levied on businesses that fail to comply with these labour law provisions on holidays, please feel free to contact us at